Home Sweet Home
“Home is where the heart is” …because “a house is not
always a home.” Home is where we will find our stored up
treasures…something that can be evident when we examine
our life’s path, and being thankful for how many, or less, of
the footprints we may see in the sand.
always a home.” Home is where we will find our stored up
treasures…something that can be evident when we examine
our life’s path, and being thankful for how many, or less, of
the footprints we may see in the sand.
My heart shares occupancy with the Lord; my heart has
become our home. Although, I’m sure at times I barely give
Him any room; my mind tends to crowd Him out, especially
when I whine, lie and say I’m fine at times when I’m not, or
even when I pout.
I need to expand the space I permit my Lord; by being less of
me and more of Him…by allowing Him to change me, to be
one with the One who created me, to be who I was meant to
be. We will grow together, Him and me; along with all the
other children that choose to come, follow, and dwell with
Thee, O God.
While it’s true that His Holy Spirit dwells within me, His
one with the One who created me, to be who I was meant to
be. We will grow together, Him and me; along with all the
other children that choose to come, follow, and dwell with
Thee, O God.
While it’s true that His Holy Spirit dwells within me, His
saving grace has made my heart His home, He is also with
our Father, preparing me a place in His heavenly realm...for
it is written the day will surely come when I shall see His
glorious face.
our Father, preparing me a place in His heavenly realm...for
it is written the day will surely come when I shall see His
glorious face.
© Sheri * January 2012
About the "Home Sweet Home" poem...
While contemplating moving from my home where I’ve lived
About the "Home Sweet Home" poem...
While contemplating moving from my home where I’ve lived
miss about this dwelling place, but I’m ready to move on.
Hopefully, the people I have been praying for to come along
and buy it are here at last, and that they also will enjoy the
place and find the peace that I have found living here. And
though I will be losing a lot of equity by selling at this time, I
have gained so much within by living here these past years.
True happiness is found within one’s heart, no matter what
one’s circumstances, but there are those blessings in life
that truly enrich our lives, even when they tend to cost. And
because we are not our circumstances, we can make any
place a home, as long as we put our heart into it...because
that is where the Holy Spirit dwells...His living and saving
grace, making us His living Masterpiece, growing with us and
changing us throughout our lives...into eternity...Amen!
We are the happiest when we live in harmony, are obedient
to what God calls us to do...to love Him above all else, and
love others as ourselves. And that is something we cannot
do by ourselves; we were designed to need God, as we were
created in His image.
The choices we make, how we react to our circumstances,
will determine what treasures we like to store for ourselves
here and now...and more so, what will become of our hearts
treasures when they are tested by the fire on Judgment
Day...what have we done with the life that God has given
us? Will the account of our lives bring glory to God?
There are times when I have allowed the regrets in my life to
haunt me fiercely, handicapping my life in serving God and
His people. That is one of the ways the enemy works,
making one think they are not worthy to do God’s work,
blinding one to the fact that without God’s saving grace none
are worthy. And through accepting His sacrifice, through His
saving grace, we are worthy...we just have to make the
choice. Knowing we are worthy in Him, helps us to be worthy
like Him.
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