As a sea of treetops billow in the wind, like a finely
orchestrated ballet, their wispy tendrils bent this way and
that way, and some another, dancing differently, but
seemingly as one. And then all at once, all are still and bow
to end the act, and quickly take their places to start
another. They are motioning for all of life to see, saying:
Please… Come Dance with Me!
Then…flying as aces so gracefully, two birds swoop in,
instantly engulfed and hidden, as if swarmed by bees. The
tree limbs in unison bend towards the birds, investigating,
wanting to know their presence. Then, as quickly as the
birds flew in, out they went, as the tree limbs were in awe
of such flight, rising and falling from such delight!
The wind continues to prompt them to dance, and so they
huddle to prepare, and then another act begins…motioning
for all of life to see, and echoing out from their Creator:
Please… Come Dance with Me!

About the “Come Dance with Me” poem...
I have been trying to spend more time listening to God, especially making the time to sit with Him and be still and listen. So, this morning, after much prompting from my cat, Tazz, to join her out on the balcony to do just that, I grabbed a chair, God’s Word, and my freshly made concoction of fruits and vegetables, and I sat and began to listen... To be still and know that He is God. I hope we can still listen and hear God with our eyes, for I heard plenty.
The words in the poem began flowing through me, and from experience I quickly grabbed pen and paper to write them down, before they blew away with the wind.
One of my passions in life is dancing. I remember from a young age getting up on the weekends and listening to my mother’s music playing (Bobbie Vinton, the Beach Boys...etc.), and the smell of pancakes. I remember dancing in front of the bay window by the humongous, yet beautiful stereo...
twirling and singing to the songs.
In the past couple years though, dancing has kind of lost its spark, or should I say, I have for some reason almost quit dancing. There was a time when I would love to dress up and go out dancing...dressing up was part of the fun. And maybe that is why some of the spark has sizzled longer having a safe place to dance. Dancing at home is always an option...but it’s too easy to get distracted from other things to do here...where going out dancing was almost four hours of delightful dancing fun!
So, I believe I had better get back to dancing...because no matter where I am,
God is here to dance with me!