I figured they would be safe on my shelf until Christmas...if she should get a chance to visit before Christmas, I would get to see beforehand if she likes them or not. If she doesn't seem to like them, I would just find something else for her, and give the glasses to someone else. Neither her or I are frequent alcohol consumers, but there are other beverages you could drink out of them...or you could fill them with other things like I did in today's decorating. I love pine cones and cinnamon sticks, so that's what I used. But, you could put sand and shells in them...or colored stones, flowers, or just stuff you like to look at and would look good in them.
I have decided to print out some Christmas cards with one of the pics I took. So, if my Mom doesn't see them at my place, she may notice them on the card.
Update: Showed my Mom one of the pics of the glasses...she looked real surprised to see them and asked me where I got them...then she said she had some just like it, and showed them to me...yep....she has six of them. Well...I was right in thinking she would like them, but she doesn't need four more. I think I know of someone else who may like them.