Sunday, February 19, 2012

God's Word

In a world that makes it so easy to desire to be our own gods, doing so at times unwittingly, and at times purposely, casting aside His Word, His Love…neglecting to test His Wisdom, thinking we alone suffice, not needing His advice.

When living in our arrogance, we set ourselves up upon a pedestal, denying our foolishness in setting ourselves up for the fall. But the laws of time will show us of our quarry; the reaping of our sowing, in hindsight, the harvest of it all.

I am so thankful for God’s Word…thankful that our Father loves us like He does, providing us with such an awesome navigational tool to guide us throughout our journey. The Bible is a never-ending and reverent source of God’s passion for His creation; His Truth to draw us closer in Him through His Son, our Savior, Christ Jesus.

© Sheri * February 2012
Clip art by: Microsoft Office

About the “God’s Word” poem...

After praying, praising and thanking our Lord for the sale of my house, these thoughts in the poem came to mind. Because of my fallen inner insistence of resistance to let God be my only God, I still at times suffer the consequences of being my own god...seeking to develop my own will, instead of seeking God’s.

Thankfully though, I am discovering God’s unconditional love, letting His grace set me free from my regrets of those unwise decisions, and having victory through His strength. And because we do reap what we sow, sometimes we tend to learn the hard way.

We are blessed by learning of His character through His Word, applying His love, His wisdom, in our life through His strength; allowing God to bless others through our actions through His Holy Spirit.